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Re: Brrrr!

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
2/26/2014 11:33 am
Teaser for a low-priority feature that's in early testing: custom leagues that include city and weather data from all cities in the world with a population of 15,000 or more. Anyone care to visit Longyearbyen, Svalbard for a good old fashioned playoff ice bowl?

Last edited at 2/26/2014 11:37 am

Re: Brrrr!

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
2/26/2014 11:36 am
Note that it's a clear night sky, because Longyearbyen doesn't have a sunrise in most of January.

Re: Brrrr!

By Cork55
2/26/2014 11:57 am
Those are some die hard fans to endure a game in -16 degree weather. The weather doesn't look like it impacted the scoring too much. They must have some really good cold weather gear.

Re: Brrrr!

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
2/26/2014 1:37 pm
On that note - right now the weather doesn't impact too much, other than fatigue and the ability to hold on to the ball when it's wet or snowy. I don't want to do too much without showing the weather for the game in the game planning screens (because obviously if the weather is a significant factor a coach would adjust their game plan accordingly). Some thoughts I have are:

* Cold weather reduces the distance that kicks travel
* Cold weather reduces the velocity of a QB's throw
* Cold weather reduces passing accuracy

What other factors would you expect extreme cold (or extreme heat) to have on the game play?

Another thought that was mentioned a while back was having players get used to playing in certain extreme conditions, so that their attributes are not affected as much by the elements, or have a greater disadvantage when they are playing outside of their normal range, making extreme weather for them slide based on what they're used to playing in (i.e. Miami players might suffer from cold factors faster than a Green Bay team would, while Green Bay players would not be able to handle warmer weather as well as Miami players).

Re: Brrrr!

By Cork55
2/26/2014 4:25 pm
Being from Wisconsin and a die hard Packers fan and having watched SF beat GB in the cold at Lambeau as well as the NYG a few years ago, I don't put much stock in the cold weather claims.

As for how the weather might impact MFN, you could do the following:

1. Reduce yards per carry to reflect the wet turf and the difficulty to make cuts
2. Reduce the distance of passes to reflect the difficulty that receivers may have running routes on wet ground
3. increase fumble chances to reflect increased difficulty in holding onto a wet football

1. Reduce yards per carry to reflect the slippery/frozen turf and the difficulty to make cuts
2. Reduce the distance of passes to reflect the difficulty that receivers may have running routes on slippery/frozen ground and also due to the fact that throws travel less in the cold
3. Increase fumble chances to reflect increased difficulty in holding onto a cold football

I like your kicking idea, but kicking seems too easy as it currently stands. It seems like there are too many 50+ and 60+ kicks being made.
Last edited at 2/26/2014 4:27 pm

Re: Brrrr!

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
2/26/2014 6:57 pm
I agree on the kicking - at first launch the kickers were too inaccurate, I think it got adjusted too much in the other direction. I plan to look at that.

Thanks for the comments on the weather, good to hear from someone who has a more up close and consistent look at it in the real world.

Re: Brrrr!

By Davesgang
2/26/2014 7:32 pm
Minnesota here. Longyearbyen sounds like a nice warm vacation spot.
Snow/slippery conditions seem to make it tougher to make cuts, and really shows when the defenders try to keep up with reaction/coverage. They often can't stay as close to someone that knows where and when they are going to cut.

Re: Brrrr!

By Firefly
2/27/2014 10:28 am
That's nice!