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Pats caught cheating again

By Gustoon
9/13/2016 1:03 pm
How is this even possible?

Re: Pats caught cheating again

By punisher
9/13/2016 2:18 pm
Gustoon wrote:

my patriots weren't cheating.

New England =
New Jersey =

I think what happened now don't laugh when I say this but here goes Stuart Kelly ( ) #10 threw the ball as hard and fast as he could to the WR Mike Macias ( ) #12 yet once the ball got to the endzone where Mike was there was like a big gust of wind or a gust of wind that that turned that pass from incomplete pass to a complete pass .

Really only explanation that makes any sense how that play happened.

Unless we have a Houdini football in that game or that the really football went into the stands awhile a fan threw a fake football that landed in MIKE's hands.

If any of those options are not what happened then I got nothing on how that happened.

Re: Pats caught cheating again

By WarEagle
9/13/2016 4:55 pm
It was the same "ghost" that knocks down all these passes, even though we can all clearly see these players have NO ARMS!!!

Re: Pats caught cheating again

By Kahoon
9/17/2016 9:57 am
Good One Wareagle!! LOL