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Re: New interface (April 12, 2016)

By Big Poppa
4/13/2016 7:56 am
Im getting the "not saved" errors when checking or unchecking off and def plays
The exact message says.. "an error occurred while saving"
Last edited at 4/13/2016 8:01 am

Re: New interface (April 12, 2016)

By MistbornJedi
4/13/2016 8:15 am
Same for me on both PC and iPad.

I set full 20 plays in CUST35 via iPad, got the error on each. Pulled up on PC, all 10 Off plays show but only 8 of the 10 Def. Selected 2 more on Def on the PC and got the error.

In CUST 10, only 7 Def plays are showing, same as yesterday. I set 3 more and got the save error.

Re: New interface (April 12, 2016)

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
4/13/2016 8:25 am
My apologies, the error was a little too aggressive in its testing - I just pushed a patch that shouldn't give that error if it does succeed. I would love to know if you get the error now at all or if the plays are not saving without giving the error.

Re: New interface (April 12, 2016)

By MistbornJedi
4/13/2016 8:28 am
Error no longer showing.

The 2 Def plays I set in CUST35 a few minutes ago disappeared again. I just set them again (3rd time in the last hour).

Re: New interface (April 12, 2016)

By MistbornJedi
4/13/2016 8:30 am
And just checked CUST10, the 2 Def plays there did not save either. Setting again now.

Re: New interface (April 12, 2016)

By Big Poppa
4/13/2016 8:39 am
Looks like its working now for me... error message is gone and as far as I can tell, all the plays I changed stayed changed. So I assume they were saved. Thanks JD.

Re: New interface (April 12, 2016)

4/14/2016 4:07 am
new interface only saved 8/10 scouted defensive plays in mfn-66 had to switch to old interface to get them to save, also there was no warning that they had not saved

Re: New interface (April 12, 2016)

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
4/14/2016 8:16 am
TAFIV wrote:
new interface only saved 8/10 scouted defensive plays in mfn-66 had to switch to old interface to get them to save, also there was no warning that they had not saved

A-ha, I believe I have finally found this bug. Fix to be deployed tonight.

Re: New interface (April 12, 2016)

By MistbornJedi
4/14/2016 11:51 am
In Depth Chart>Overrides, not all personnel groupings appear. In CUST35 I confirmed I have plays in the active playbook for Goal Line Normal (23 Personnel) and I Formation 3WR (20 personnel) but they do not show as an option for an override.

Re: New interface (April 12, 2016)

By Gustoon
4/14/2016 12:52 pm
I'm getting email reminders for league MFN - 35. I don't have any teams in that league, but instead its directing me to MFN 48 where I do have a team