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Re: What is up with MFN-67?

By GrandadB
9/29/2016 11:40 pm
Didnt say one play, I said blitzes with double LB, which there are several. Look at first down in both games so far in 75, for Bryson, 43 Under Double Blitz w run key. Where's the variety? But, thats what you have to do to counter the 113 counter, its almost forced. Dont get me wrong, not blaming anyone for anything or how they play, just would like to see the game improve to correct some of the problems that include limited play selection in order to have a better chance of winning.

Re: What is up with MFN-67?

By blackflys
9/29/2016 11:41 pm
Lol funny to call someone out and be dead wrong. Your something else
League 19 over 1800 defensive plays and less then 250 were 3 diffent double lb blitz each 100 times called
I even got my game 75 plays and I called close to 12 diffent plays and 8 of them were equal.
Last edited at 9/29/2016 11:53 pm

Re: What is up with MFN-67?

By blackflys
9/29/2016 11:47 pm
Make sure you clarify who your calling out first of all. Second your targeting one of the best roster building coaches and gameplanning coaches on here. Like you said if you dident run the same 1-1-3 run 32 times for -15 yards he would not of called that defense that much. Your accusing people of the same thing that has been the main reason you have won in any league. It sure In The **** isnt your skills of trading or drafting. Also the fact you ran Hb flare every play has nothing to do with rules it has to do with that being the only play you set up to run on purpose. There's a diffence. I have lost five Super Bowls to him and to be honest I hate playing him but would never bring this up as a reason to why he beat me. He earned it
Last edited at 9/30/2016 12:02 am

Re: What is up with MFN-67?

By Bryson10
9/29/2016 11:59 pm
GrandadB wrote:
Fair criticism lellow, and I can see that you did the same/similar on defense in our game in L10.
Using only a few plays on offense, especially the first game in 75, was a mistake on my part, chalk it up to what I have read & observed so far, like the 113 approach used by Infinity, the comments by setherick about it, and having cross effects in gameplanning/rules that I have fixed and continue to improve. I dont like to play with only 3 or 4 plays and dont like seeing it, so you can rest assured that I will be correcting that problem. A big part of the problem is when selecting plays for both offense and defense, and you look at the average per play, it starts narrowing down your choices, unless you just want to run a play irregardless of whether or not it is working for you. On defense, that narrows it down from 30 to around 10, at least from the numbers on my plays. On offense, it cuts it to around 20, with several that have much better average per play than others. Right? Apparently, Brysons (blackflys brother for those who do not know) playcalling variety is acceptable, even though it is also targeted and based on most successful results as all his teams win their division and many league championships. I dont think there is a gm winning more than he does, other than his brother. So, in the interest of leveling the playing field, might be a good idea to post the numbers on his plays, which for defense is over 90% blitzes with double LB's. For those of you who want to cry "thats not real football" when it suits your purpose relative to this game, how many pro teams blitz 2 LBs over 90% of the play calls? Yeah, the answer is none. But, if you dont match that when the best teams are doing that, you are going to lose.

I'm flabbergasted that you continue to call out people that never say a word about you. First off i've done nothing but help you since you joined the site. You have basically copied my wdraft strategy and never have i said a negative thing about you. Go look at my first two games in 75 and tell me that i used the same gameplan. I have your two games down by heart, why?? cause you only used like 5 offensive plays the whole game and two defensive plays. I never said anything or complained. What i did was just tried to beat it. The only reason you are even in the league is cause we wanted you to be a part of something special. I guess it was a huge mistake. Oh and what does it matter who i'm related to? You post and run your grandsons team and no one gives a ****. I usually don't like to get in any kinda of forum battle but this is the second time you've really got me heated. I'm going to end it by just letting it go but it's a shame that all the people you seem to criticize are the same people you are asking for advice and trying to emulate.

Re: What is up with MFN-67?

By GrandadB
9/30/2016 12:06 am
Hmmm, are you also calling Brysons plays? lol, that would be funny.

Re: What is up with MFN-67?

By Bryson10
9/30/2016 12:07 am
GrandadB wrote:
Hmmm, are you also calling Brysons plays? lol, that would be funny.
What about my playcalling in 75 do you have a problem with. Curious where this is all coming from?

Re: What is up with MFN-67?

By blackflys
9/30/2016 12:14 am
GrandadB wrote:
Hmmm, are you also calling Brysons plays? lol, that would be funny.

I have never looked at anyone's plays and used there gameplan. Your a clown who makes comments that are wrong. I have proof of my gameplan and its nothing like his. Ya I'm sure we have a play or two that's the same but so does every owner on the game. You talk all this big talk and have never won a playoff game . You don't deserve attention. You should be banned from the leagues you used a cheat playbook until owners caught on.

Re: What is up with MFN-67?

By lellow2011
9/30/2016 12:39 am
GrandadB wrote:
Fair criticism lellow, and I can see that you did the same/similar on defense in our game in L10.
Using only a few plays on offense, especially the first game in 75, was a mistake on my part, chalk it up to what I have read & observed so far, like the 113 approach used by Infinity, the comments by setherick about it, and having cross effects in gameplanning/rules that I have fixed and continue to improve. I dont like to play with only 3 or 4 plays and dont like seeing it, so you can rest assured that I will be correcting that problem. A big part of the problem is when selecting plays for both offense and defense, and you look at the average per play, it starts narrowing down your choices, unless you just want to run a play irregardless of whether or not it is working for you. On defense, that narrows it down from 30 to around 10, at least from the numbers on my plays. On offense, it cuts it to around 20, with several that have much better average per play than others. Right? Apparently, Brysons (blackflys brother for those who do not know) playcalling variety is acceptable, even though it is also targeted and based on most successful results as all his teams win their division and many league championships. I dont think there is a gm winning more than he does, other than his brother. So, in the interest of leveling the playing field, might be a good idea to post the numbers on his plays, which for defense is over 90% blitzes with double LB's. For those of you who want to cry "thats not real football" when it suits your purpose relative to this game, how many pro teams blitz 2 LBs over 90% of the play calls? Yeah, the answer is none. But, if you dont match that when the best teams are doing that, you are going to lose.

In our game on defense in 10 I had a specific defensive play in as a counter to your 113 play, it got called a lot because you ran that formation a lot. I have specifically mentioned offensive plays and typically run a more varied playbook. I would have only had my rule in for the singleback formation if that were possible. The only time I end up running a play like that a lot is when I want to counter a play the other team runs a lot with a rule.

Re: What is up with MFN-67?

By GrandadB
9/30/2016 1:03 am
blackflys wrote:
GrandadB wrote:
Hmmm, are you also calling Brysons plays? lol, that would be funny.

I have never looked at anyone's plays and used there gameplan. Your a clown who makes comments that are wrong. I have proof of my gameplan and its nothing like his. Ya I'm sure we have a play or two that's the same but so does every owner on the game. You talk all this big talk and have never won a playoff game . You don't deserve attention. You should be banned from the leagues you used a cheat playbook until owners caught on.

There's no such thing as a cheat playbook, the plays are the same and available to all, so dont know what you are referring to there. But there are def cheaters, especially using dupe/dummy teams, as both you and Bryson have been accused of, which I dont believe is true, and I would hope not after what was stated in our private messages. I guess what Im saying relative to playcalling is that first and foremost, I made a mistake being new and old, and the first game out in 75 was all screwed up, my bad and I apologized for it. My second game was still limited more than I wanted to, I got stuck with the 113 counter on first down which cost me the game, and the third game tonite will show that it has been brought up a lot more in line with everyone else. Im just going by the plays that show positive results on the play cards, would be nice if more plays, like on defense, were not giving up an average of 7 yds per play, I would use them more.

Re: What is up with MFN-67?

By GrandadB
9/30/2016 1:10 am
Bryson10 wrote:
GrandadB wrote:
Hmmm, are you also calling Brysons plays? lol, that would be funny.
What about my playcalling in 75 do you have a problem with. Curious where this is all coming from?

I dont have a problem with it, just referring to it as being limited to successful plays, which is what anyone should do. Im using most of the same plays, why? Because when you go to choose defensive plays they show what average yardage they give up, at this early stage in 75, a lot of def plays just show off/def % of experience when you click on the view. Ive been blitzing a lot, over 90% as those are the plays that have produced positive results, my offense was a mistake as Im still learning how to combine the gameplan and playcall, which I have fixed and will continue to improve. It actually worked to your advantage in our game in 75, which I also learned from.