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Week 5

By Phinsfan
7/21/2014 11:17 pm
We suffer our 1st loss this season @ Jacksonville. Backup QB Crandall is starting to show his true colors. He didn't play very well last week and even worse this week. I think he had like 4 INT's this week. But we stayed close and had a 14-13 lead in the 4th but the D couldn't rise to the occasion and stop the Jags for going down for a score to win the game.

It will be nice to have Norris back wk6 as our starting QB.

GG Jax

Re: Week 5

By Firefly
7/22/2014 8:38 am
Great game against the Giants. It could have gone either way, but we couldn't get it done on our last drive. On top of that, we're a walking hospital right now.