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Week 7

By Firefly
7/25/2014 11:13 am
Well done, Tecra. I don't see anyone stopping you this year.

Re: Week 7

By Tecra031
7/25/2014 12:07 pm
GG Firefly, I was worried going into this game since you have a strong team every season. NY definitely came to play against you guys this game, I was pleasantly surprised. However, last year we started strong and lost 5 of our last 7 costing us the division, hoping we don't have a collapse like that this season.

Re: Week 7

By Phinsfan
7/27/2014 9:40 pm
Well our D had played well all year to keep us in games but San Diego put up 44 on us as we were never in this game. Hope a future rematch to be better.

GG Davesgang

Re: Week 7

By Davesgang
7/28/2014 4:58 am
GG phinsfan
This was a everything came together type of game for the chargers.