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League Forums

Main - Trade Block

Giants trading their draft picks

By Groo
11/05/2013 11:23 am
Looking to trade all my picks, after the 2nd round. I have cap issues, and don't want to make them worse by drafting more players and releasing them and taking a cap hit for it.

So, I'm looking for a future 2nd (don't care how far in the future it is) for all my picks... 3.8, 4.7, 5.8, 6.7, 7.8.

Or, I'll trade them individually for future picks (as far into the future as you'd like). Not interested in players.

Re: Giants trading their draft picks

By Groo
11/05/2013 8:38 pm
Glad to have you here, BenS, and thanks for the very quick deal.