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League Forums

Main - Trade Block

Re: Philly Trade Block

By ZootMurph
8/13/2013 1:44 pm

A link to the basic version of the Draft Value Chart.

Re: Philly Trade Block

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
8/13/2013 4:59 pm
Ok, thanks everyone for the comments. I'm going to look at that draft chart and (I don't know why I didn't think of this before) see what the distribution rate needs to be for the player creation to make it fit that chart. For now, I'm going to leave everything where it's at with the lower threshold that I set last night for the trade blocking.

Re: Philly Trade Block

By nero
8/14/2013 3:43 am
I think it should be disabled altogether for human players but left in place for AI teams with a value system similar to what's currently there so those teams can participate in trade but avoid being fleeced.

As each league has a commish he should be the one that deals with any issues of collusion and he should have a tool box which lets him pause the countdown clock to the next sim and another option for him to reverse trades.

In the end we can't over regulate this and I think the FOF model worked for the most part.

Back in the day when I played OOTP baseball sims we had a cool rule in one of our leagues that obligated the GM in each deal to explain their rationale for doing deals which was extremely helpful to newer GMs. With this feature we never had a trade reversed and it all but eliminated guys dumping stars to their brother's team for 25 prospects.

The other thing to keep in mind is that some leagues might be a lot more scarce at certain positions. Right now in this league we have a ton of running backs with 90+ futures. Here that player is a superstar but not necessarily a franchise player.

However in a league where the top future is 74 for an RB, if one comes out with a 95 future that guy is a franchise player. Unless the trade system is accounting for this calculation in some way I think the automatic assignment of value will likely fall short.

Re: Philly Trade Block

By Firefly
8/15/2013 11:19 am
Good point about leaving the system in place for AI teams. I'm also in favor of no restrictions, but I like the idea where players can complain about a bad trade and have it reversed. In fact, maybe an automatic system where if 51% of the owners ban a trade, it's automatically rolled back.

Btw, a guy cheating by using two accounts may not be as bad a risk as we had thought, JD. For one thing, it's not very common in FOF and here, where it would actually cost money to do that, it should be even less.