Hey all,
I've been thinking a lot about how to help new users overcome the initial challenge of going from being overwhelmed and wanting to walk away to an active user. Setherick's comments in the general forum about how he almost didn't have the patience to stick it out made me wonder if the problem is even worse than I think it is. So I wanted to start a brainstorming thread about some ideas of what to do in search of some low hanging fruit that won't take me away from development too much.
Here are a few thoughts I've had, feel free to comment on these ideas as well as add your own.
* Getting started videos instead of text. This would be me walking you through all the things need to do to get started, from choosing your team to offering contracts to game planning, etc. These would be a series of short 3-5 minute videos focusing on each topic, so they would be easy to find, and possibly even in a 'curriculum' style that shows which ones you have watched and which ones you haven't watched. (Ideas of what these videos should focus on would also be a good topic of discussion)
* Follow-up emails with tutorials - basically this idea would be a daily email for a week or so after you sign up (which you could opt out of, of course) that talk about various aspects of the game. Again, what these emails should talk about would be a good topic of discussion.
* Online documentation. I have started building online documentation, but just plain haven't had the time to write it. I'm wondering if users would be interested in contributing to the docs, though, so it's not just me.
* Getting Started Forums - my thoughts here are to have the ability to move threads into a getting started forum category, probably making it so that you can't create a new thread here so it doesn't get cluttered.
Any other ideas or thoughts on these ideas?