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Out of position

By raymattison21
9/13/2020 5:56 am
I like the idea of working on the gameplay code to put value on players that are closer to defaults ratings .

That’s the point, but when changing positions there’s a dramatic change in my weights for that player. They will gain 10 points if their weight trends all the way.

Defaults are way more dependent upon skills so maybe it doesn’t act the same but the intuitiveness of searching DBs for DEs might not be so apparent to some.

Personally most of my draft picks are out of position players with a 50 plus weight change that takes eight to 12 weeks.... some longer.

And I have mentioned Using BOdy mass index, but why not change the code a bit here. By having tall players have the ability to gain weight more easily than lose it.

On the other end of the spectrum have shorter players lose more weight than gain.

It will simulate a version of using Body mass index to regulate speed not just weight, and we will see more realistic body builds within the sets of position groups at the extreme ends.