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Some Ideas to solve the problem of player contracts and coach contracts by the Computer

By punisher
2/07/2018 9:39 pm
Here is those ideas

punisher wrote:

well what i thought could fix this is if we had like a box we had to check where if we have it checked the computer wont do a contract that screws over the team or if we dont have it checked then the computer can sign players.

a check box like this
[] computer cant sign players
[] computer can sign players

the same thing should be for coaches
[] computer cant sign coaches
[] computer can sign coaches

punisher wrote:
Or make it where if a person doesnt take over the team in reasonable time the computer signs players.
like for example if a person hasnt become a owner of a team for a week then the computer signs players.

a check box like this
[] computer cant sign players for a week if a owner has been found for team
[] computer cant sign players for a month if a owner has been found for team

the same thing should be for coaches
[] computer cant sign Coaches for a week if a owner has been found for team
[] computer cant sign Coaches for a month if a owner has been found for team

Or do what Raymattison suggested for player contracts and/or coach contracts
raymattison21 wrote:

All great ideas

I could be wrong but because he quit during fa 1 . ..the cpu s design is to make the team competitive by signing players. If not they could lose out on chances of getting better talent . FA would be over after a week ,. Still, not signing anyone might be better these days. But eventually a team would need to feild players and there is no doubt they will be overpaid.

The problem lies in what the cpu considers a viable contract. In terms of total salary , years and bonus. It not very favorable to the code and desired ratings of players to match scheme .

It will get there but a lot of options need to be tweaked before an AI team makes good contracts .

Really contracts should be reset once a new owner takes over a team. Or a warning that contracts you the ai have been put out.

Cause the coach contracts are way worse

From this thread =

Re: Some Ideas to solve the problem of player contracts and coach contracts by the Computer

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
2/08/2018 9:23 am
If the team is owned by a human, the AI won't sign coaches or players unless a game day stage is entered and there is a missing coach/there are not enough players on the roster. I believe what happened in the thread you are referencing is that there was one stage that the team was not owned by a human, and so the AI did what it does when it is running a team, and that's find the best players available.

Re: Some Ideas to solve the problem of player contracts and coach contracts by the Computer

By Phareux
3/31/2018 9:38 am
I would like to be able to redo contracts in a New league the first year or not have 90 % of the players have contracts for only 2 years. In the TIC league I have 46 players with 2 year deals and only about $25 million cap space for next year. Not all those players are going to sign for small base pay and big bonuses. And if even half don't then what.

Perhaps for a new league the contracts could be smaller so that a the first 2 years a rookie could get a "rookie" contract like the NHL, say $750,000 each year then after that you could redo the contracts and have more cap space and time to work with.