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Re: Quick question

By setherick
10/01/2018 6:12 pm
Kababmaster wrote:
So, would it be somewhat fair to render vol as....pretty much pointless on drafting ? BTW lellow, I'm leaning to your thinking.

Not really. My full thoughts are in the draft guide.

Re: Quick question

By Bryson10
10/01/2018 6:12 pm
Kababmaster wrote:
So, would it be somewhat fair to render vol as....pretty much pointless on drafting ? BTW, I'm leaning to your thinking.

I find any vol over 40 is basically the same risk but you will see the guys 80-100 be completely useless if they bust. i don't think vol is completely useless but it's become more of a lottery at training camp. No rhyme or reason to why certain guys hit or miss :(

Re: Quick question

By Bryson10
10/01/2018 6:13 pm
ya we are seeing insane qb stats in ncaa this season lol. Lot's of big plays

Re: Quick question

By Kababmaster
10/01/2018 8:26 pm
Has anyone noticed any other attributes drop/increase after picking a player in a draft ?...I'm clearly not over this, if a guy has attributes prior to being picked, and loses attributes due to being picked, I would at least like to know why.....what version of the game release let coaches/GM's know that this was possible ?
Last edited at 10/01/2018 8:28 pm

Re: Quick question

By Bryson10
10/01/2018 9:15 pm
Nothing changes but vol until training camp

Re: Quick question

By Kababmaster
10/01/2018 9:35 pm
Bryson10 wrote:
Nothing changes but vol until training camp

Well, Vol changes !

Then let it be openly known and not heresay. With the utmost respects, you are not JDB, nor is Sethrick....I would like to have this information be made available as a deciding factor of making Draft picks.
Last edited at 10/01/2018 9:36 pm

Re: Quick question

By Bryson10
10/01/2018 9:41 pm
I’ll stop answering questions then. Feel free to message jdb lol

Re: Quick question

By Kababmaster
10/01/2018 9:55 pm
Bryson10 wrote:
I’ll stop answering questions then. Feel free to message jdb lol

No, that reaction is not what I was after. You do a great job on here does Setherick and others. That said, it would be nice to know, in advance, once a change was made relative to a players attributes.

I'm frustrated of not knowing of these changes....and I definitely have nothing personal toward anyone, especially you, Bryson10.

Re: Quick question

By jlyman
10/01/2018 10:46 pm
Hmmm... this certainly is no longer a "quick question." :D

Re: Quick question

By Kababmaster
10/01/2018 11:19 pm
jlyman wrote:
Hmmm... this certainly is no longer a "quick question." :D

Absolutely. The way I see it, if I view a player to draft, I base decisions on x,y,z.. If those attributes are likely to change after the draft and prior to training camp, then it should be made known in some fashion. I still have an unanswered question....does anyone know of a drop in attributes after drafting a player?