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Re: 2023 changes feedback

By Black Adder
8/02/2015 5:24 am

Note that your primary gunner was a 276 pound DE against Houston when they took back that 55 yard return. Possibly it has to do with player size. Gunners are about 50 lbs lighter.[/quote]

You may have a point there MrFake.
Gunner 1 is rated 84/88 as a Gunner, he is 275 but it says N/A next to that (not applicable?) ,so lets see his speed...97 ACC 69 SPEED..not to bad.

Logically you want your Gunners to be super fast,get downfield, make the tackle,maybe they`re doing that (getting downfield),but not being able to shed the block,if there is one, and make the tackle?

Some returns I`ve seen have been WOW plays, where the returner makes 4 or 5 players miss tackle him, then is away to the EZ,no problems with that,fantastic play ,lets see it again...It`s the plays where every return guy holds his block for a long time and your non Mr Bolt return guy, just ambles past ,around and through your Defense without a tackle being made.This seems to happen too often.

Thanks for looking into this JDB,it really is great that the developer is trying to make this a better/enjoyable game to play,thank you. Maybe the Kick Catching attribute needs to be more prominent in return yardage?

Last edited at 8/02/2015 5:25 am

Re: 2023 changes feedback

By mrfakename
8/02/2015 7:36 am
I notice the staticness in blocks in general. In real life the line shifts a good 5 yards on certian runs plays. And for WR and pretty much every other block the feet are used alot. The players are not static during a "stalk" block. Gunners are "chucked" all the way down the field, mosty of the time by two guys, because its so hard to block a guy at full speed who has a 4.3 forty.

This whole thing, special teams, most of the blocks are "stalk" blocks. Blocks that are difficult to hold a long time. Here most plays are all or none when IRL even a bad block will derail a speedy gunner and a good one could be a second or two, but done at the right time.

But really ST's has many base fundementals missing, so personally I would start by getting the O and D assignments right. But right now this seems to be a problem only if the primary gunner is not fast enough. Its not very real, but easliy solved with the current engine.

Re: 2023 changes feedback

By Morbid
8/02/2015 9:44 am
I have always wanted a ST Skill for players, in this way even if you have a bench player that may not be a good starter his skill set would get a boost when on ST if his ST skill was high.

I prime example of this player in the real NFL would be Mathew Slater who is rarely used by the Patriots besides ST but is a constant Pro Bowl ST player

Right now it all still really depends on the players actual hard skills and that honestly shouldnt be the case because ST is entirely its own position

Re: 2023 changes feedback

By Davesgang
8/02/2015 9:06 pm
The blocker and blocked become almost ethereal when engaged in a block. Ball carriers shouldn't be able to run through them.