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Re: Kicking game

By Firefly
6/20/2013 9:00 am
jdavidbakr wrote:
I changed the logic for kicker and punter creation, and did a manual update to match how it will be creating kickers in the future. All kickers' current values should now be significantly improved.

Very elegant solution, thanks

Re: Kicking game

By nero
6/20/2013 9:02 am
jdavidbakr wrote:
I changed the logic for kicker and punter creation, and did a manual update to match how it will be creating kickers in the future. All kickers' current values should now be significantly improved.

Now just up the current ratings for the rest of my guys and we'll be cooking.

Re: Kicking game

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
6/20/2013 9:05 am
nero wrote:
Now just up the current ratings for the rest of my guys and we'll be cooking.

You would have liked the first build of the game engine when every player had the same rating for all of their attributes. Of course, there was also only one offensive and one defensive play as well.

Re: Kicking game

By nero
6/20/2013 9:06 am
Sounds the first versions of FF's gameplan ;)

Re: Kicking game

By Firefly
6/20/2013 9:25 am
nero wrote:
Sounds the first versions of FF's gameplan ;)


Re: Kicking game

By chinaski
6/22/2013 5:28 am
Still seems off, my kicker missed another 4 fgs this last game.

Re: Kicking game

By Phinsfan
6/22/2013 8:51 am
chinaski wrote:
Still seems off, my kicker missed another 4 fgs this last game.

I'll add to this. My kicker last game hit 6/6. this game 0/4. concerns me a bit although the misses were beyond 40 except for 1 that was for 24 yards.

Re: Kicking game

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
6/22/2013 10:14 am
I'll continue to keep my eye on this, the sample size is still fairly low and it could be nothing more than bad dice rolls. In the long term testing I've been happy with the overall skill-to-accuracy values. Look in your misc. gameplan options as well to see what your kicker's 70% range is, as he gets closer his accuracy should improve and vice versa as he gets further.

Re: Kicking game

By lordscarlet
6/22/2013 1:18 pm
jdavidbakr wrote:
I'll continue to keep my eye on this, the sample size is still fairly low and it could be nothing more than bad dice rolls. In the long term testing I've been happy with the overall skill-to-accuracy values. Look in your misc. gameplan options as well to see what your kicker's 70% range is, as he gets closer his accuracy should improve and vice versa as he gets further.

I think the question here isn't about skill-to-accuracy, but whether the skill-to-player-pool ratio is correct. At least, that is my interpretation of the discussion.

Re: Kicking game

By nero
6/22/2013 2:34 pm
I think it's more about a certain baseline of skill that every player in a pro league should have.