Ragnulf-le-maudit wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
That first play is a flat zone but it's the MLB playing man on the FB that makes a good play . 79 to 69 speed and the young LB had even worse man (in the 20s) than zone. His punish was worse as well. What off here is the OLBs in the flat zones are almost 20 yards down field when the pass is thrown. That's way too deep.
The play is OLB flat zone, but il looks like the olb is playing man on the FB.
It looked that way when I first watched , but...
MLB: Man WR-5 , covers the fb, he's the target on this play , #55 is the MLB
SS: Man WR-4, he has the rb who stays in to block, and the #23 ends up spying the middle
FS: Man WR 3, #38 he's on the te
#51 and #59 are the OLBs , there in zone and too deep to be near the play, they are playing a zone called the "curls" or a deep flat here I guess.