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Re: Draft player obfuscation

By WarEagle
6/12/2017 6:29 am
JCSwishMan33 wrote:
jdavidbakr wrote:
WarEagle wrote:
How does this impact the "Details" tab of the player card, before and after "scouting" (height/weight/rating/default rating)?

Since non-skill attributes are being obfuscated (speed/strength, etc.), am I correct to assume height/weight will be also?

If not, why not? What's the difference between those and the other non-skill attributes?

I'm thinking height and weight are a little bit more objective than the other skills, but that's an interesting point.

Heights and weights are hard measurables at any time, especially height (which very rarely changes over the course of a player's career). So maybe the player's weight can fluctuate some pre-scout / post-scout, but I doubt the height ever would.

I don't think a player's arm strength (or speed, etc.) would fluctuate much pre-scout / post-scout either IRL, but those values are obfuscated.

I think the point here is to make it so that you have no idea who you're actually drafting until after TC.

It's going to make the later rounds more interesting, and early draft picks much less valuable. I don't see a 1st being worth much more than a 2nd or 3rd now.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By JCSwishMan33
6/12/2017 6:52 am
Black Adder wrote:
Sorry JDB ,I just don`t get it.

You scout to get an idea of where he`ll end up ratings wise,then thats completely blown apart after TC, with his Vol rating and where he`s drafted...whats the point of scouting him ?

Am I missing something?

I'm thinking of it as a little less scouting, and a little more Draft "projection".

I.e., after I scout a guy, his numbers project on the high side of his pre-scouting range. I can look at his Vol, and if it's low, I'm confident that his "final" numbers will hit that range. Then I can look at my roster (or anyone elses), see who he compares to, and base his position on my big board from there.

If his Vol is high, I have to weigh if his "final" numbers are more of a flash in the pan (and he'll regress), or if he underacheived (and he'll boom). I look at my roster again, and if his "final" numbers seem better than anything I have, I'm more likely to pull the trigger and draft him higher than I would've due to his high Vol.

Obviously this isn't as big a deal for the top tier guys (someone projects in the 90-100 range, he's **** good and could only really go down from there if his Vol is high), but it helps make better decisions on the mid-rounders and possibly bring those guys in higher in the Draft.

I'm thinking it's a step towards team parity and a better spread of talent... Course, I could be wrong in all of this. Heh.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
6/12/2017 8:29 am
If the experience is terrible, it doesn't have to make it into the general release. But my expectation is what JSwish describes - there will be a handful of top-tier guys that you have a good confidence will be sure fire picks, but there will be a large number of questionable players that will make the later rounds more interesting, and we'll get more Tom Bradys who are late-round gems.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
6/12/2017 8:30 am
Oh, and I'm going to go ahead and give 5 scouts per team instead of just 2.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By Beercloud
6/12/2017 2:48 pm
I'm likin Pernbronze train of thought here.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By Ragnulf-le-maudit
6/12/2017 3:23 pm
I find that idea very good. I just don't understand why speed has to be hidden. I understand it for all the technical stuff, but H/W/S is less understandable. Plus, if a given players is great at everything after the scouting, he has a good chance to be selected ealry in the draft. If too slow to play his position, he will be useless. He will cost a lot of money and rarely, if ever, see the field.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By WarEagle
6/12/2017 8:08 pm
Unfortunately, speed is still the #1 most important attribute for any position.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By setherick
6/30/2017 7:21 am
War Room should have Scouted as a drop down option when sorting players. Otherwise, I particularly like this feature.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By WarEagle
6/30/2017 7:25 am
Can someone remind me when the deadline is for scouting players?

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
6/30/2017 8:28 am
WarEagle wrote:
Can someone remind me when the deadline is for scouting players?

Until the last early free agency stage runs.