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Re: Draft player obfuscation

By WarEagle
6/30/2017 8:37 am

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By Mcarovil
6/30/2017 5:34 pm
I don't see the scout player option in Beta 87? Are we just doing the obfuscation draft without scouting this cycle?

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By ibblacklavender02
6/30/2017 6:26 pm
I thought I could scout 5 players? I was only able to scout 2

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By Mcarovil
6/30/2017 6:29 pm
I see it now.

I still don't see it on the player card in beta 87.
Last edited at 6/30/2017 6:31 pm

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By DemonMaster
6/30/2017 8:12 pm
Well its a nifty idea for sure but honestly I dont much like it. My favorite part of MFN is the draft for sure but what scares me is possibly getting a extremely low rated player in the early rounds who hasnt been scouted. This is especially true for a team that is re-building like Buffalo is this year. This could be a real deal breaker for me to be honest. Some of the leagues I am in are very active as far as owners are concerned whilst others are just a few. What happens in a 32 team league if only 5 owners scout players and all the players scouted are different from everyone elses? With the volatility rating already being taken into account and knowing the draft pick might just bust anyway taking a player that hasnt been scouted but has a high volatility is mind boggling to say the least. At least in the NFL there is the scouting combine and pro days for teams to rely on whereas the limit of scouting just 5 players just doesnt feel right. Just my opinion

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By setherick
6/30/2017 8:54 pm
DemonMaster wrote:
Well its a nifty idea for sure but honestly I dont much like it. My favorite part of MFN is the draft for sure but what scares me is possibly getting a extremely low rated player in the early rounds who hasnt been scouted. This is especially true for a team that is re-building like Buffalo is this year. This could be a real deal breaker for me to be honest. Some of the leagues I am in are very active as far as owners are concerned whilst others are just a few. What happens in a 32 team league if only 5 owners scout players and all the players scouted are different from everyone elses? With the volatility rating already being taken into account and knowing the draft pick might just bust anyway taking a player that hasnt been scouted but has a high volatility is mind boggling to say the least. At least in the NFL there is the scouting combine and pro days for teams to rely on whereas the limit of scouting just 5 players just doesnt feel right. Just my opinion

I was going to wait to post this because I haven't full thought it through, but I have a few minutes before I jump back onto my work computer so here goes.

There is a pretty easy strategy (I think) to being able to draft in the new player obfuscation paradigm, but you have to be will to do some things you normally wouldn't. Here's a short list with an explanation to follow:

1) Determine the two or three core non-improvable skills for the position.
2) Weight those skills at 100 and then weight none of the secondary or improvable skills higher than 10.
3) Set your draft board using Vol (as in my draft guide before this change) or however you want and focus on scouted players first (that's the reason why I want a scouted only sort)
4) After scouted only players, sort by players with low vol and high floors

OK, here's an explanation of why this should work in my opinion. The key here is that certain attributes will never improve, so the range that you see on a scouted player represents the player's floor and ceiling on a particular skill. When you weight those key non-improvables at 100, you get a very quick sense of what a player's floor is (so for a QB I may weight Arm, Release, and INT at 100 or I may weight Arm, Release, INT, and Scramble at 100).

By keeping the secondary and improvable skills low in your weights, you reduce the noise of the obfuscation ranges. BUT, and this is also key, since you are weighting them in a 1-10 range, you have supreme control over how important those secondary skills are in determining how far a player's floor or ceiling will move (Accuracy at 10 and Scramble at 2 means that Accuracy is weighted 5 times more than Scramble).

Doing this and then selecting the player with the lowest vol and highest floor should get you decent picks in the early rounds EVEN if the player hasn't been scouted. And should allow you to gamble with more confidence in rounds 4-7.

Just a thought. It's a long way from a strategy guide, and it's a lot more complicated than draft guide 1.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By Black Adder
7/02/2017 3:43 am

Still not getting the new draft ratings cloaking system.

I`m your average on line gamer, 30 mins a day if i`m lucky,I dont have the time,knowledge,interest or inclination to do what Setherick and other computer geeks suggest.

It works fine as it was,you saw the ratings and the vol rating gave you an insight into how the player would develop.

I know your developing the game in a certain way JDB (which is great),but geeks who spend hours over drafting schemes etc will have such an advantage over average gamers,that in time the average gamers will just give up playing.

This is what has happened in FOF,where the best got too good scouting wise, it was pointless playing anymore in MP leagues.

Drafting is such a big thing in this game,I can see lots of GM`s jacking in their teams if their 1st rounders (that they have schemed over/tanked to get) keep bombing.Lots of leagues will have no stability in owners and just crumble and die,IMO.

I fully understand that people are going to jump on this with "If you put the time and effort in" etc etc,but If your wanting to grow the game in the future you need a lot more average gamer`s playing the game ,with a hope of winning ,than the same geeks making winning into a computer project.

Just my 50 p`s worth.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By Tecra031
7/02/2017 7:38 am
Black Adder wrote:

Still not getting the new draft ratings cloaking system.

I`m your average on line gamer, 30 mins a day if i`m lucky,I dont have the time,knowledge,interest or inclination to do what Setherick and other computer geeks suggest.

It works fine as it was,you saw the ratings and the vol rating gave you an insight into how the player would develop.

I know your developing the game in a certain way JDB (which is great),but geeks who spend hours over drafting schemes etc will have such an advantage over average gamers,that in time the average gamers will just give up playing.

This is what has happened in FOF,where the best got too good scouting wise, it was pointless playing anymore in MP leagues.

Drafting is such a big thing in this game,I can see lots of GM`s jacking in their teams if their 1st rounders (that they have schemed over/tanked to get) keep bombing.Lots of leagues will have no stability in owners and just crumble and die,IMO.

I fully understand that people are going to jump on this with "If you put the time and effort in" etc etc,but If your wanting to grow the game in the future you need a lot more average gamer`s playing the game ,with a hope of winning ,than the same geeks making winning into a computer project.

Just my 50 p`s worth.

100% agree, as I fall into that same category of user. We are over complicating parts of this game.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By raymattison21
7/02/2017 6:03 pm
Black Adder wrote:

Still not getting the new draft ratings cloaking system.

I`m your average on line gamer, 30 mins a day if i`m lucky,I dont have the time,knowledge,interest or inclination to do what Setherick and other computer geeks suggest.

It works fine as it was,you saw the ratings and the vol rating gave you an insight into how the player would develop.

I know your developing the game in a certain way JDB (which is great),but geeks who spend hours over drafting schemes etc will have such an advantage over average gamers,that in time the average gamers will just give up playing.

This is what has happened in FOF,where the best got too good scouting wise, it was pointless playing anymore in MP leagues.

Drafting is such a big thing in this game,I can see lots of GM`s jacking in their teams if their 1st rounders (that they have schemed over/tanked to get) keep bombing.Lots of leagues will have no stability in owners and just crumble and die,IMO.

I fully understand that people are going to jump on this with "If you put the time and effort in" etc etc,but If your wanting to grow the game in the future you need a lot more average gamer`s playing the game ,with a hope of winning ,than the same geeks making winning into a computer project.

Just my 50 p`s worth.

I would love to see the results first. 87 will be the first and my strategy will stay the same except I will scout the positions my team is in need of. What I will try eventually is to see what the Ai comes up with. For some reason I think they will have a better chance.

If I were to assume anything I see the top ten seem to be still a lock. top 30 maybe, but the proof will be after the first draft. in 75 I see about 3 to five picks out of the first round that remain in the 70s. that pretty safe.imo. I would like to see that number rise to 15.

Jdb has stated that he likes top picks to be safe. so I wouldn't worry, but I think he is muddling the picks after that. I would like to see the whole draft being even harder, but I could be happier with his current cloaking attempt .

Really, though just like blitzes I see nothing changing to dramatically here. his big move already happened and that was dropping top/ elite talent. It was a great move.imo.

look at war eagles breakdown of where his starters were drafted on his current championship mfn 1 team. not a starter on the roster who made a significant contribution past the 4th round. I want to see an in drafted free agent turn in to a player. in order to do that those rookies skill would have to stay muddled until signed to a team. imagine finding a Kurt Warner at age 27 off FA. it would be awesome. but you got to take a chance.

if anything I see a better chance for the average user in these later rounds. cause imo that is where the champs get depth and steals all the time. that is where those hours of scouting really pay off when the lay user doesn't have time.

I usually don't even look at the draft til it's my pick. . most of the time I let the AI it. but now i have to in order to scout them.

I am in agreement that a certain number of picks should be scouted each draft though. no matter how many users actually use them. really it should be divided up til the active users use all the scouting points . which is around 160 for each draft. or the Ai prioritizes them based on teams need that ignore the scouting points.

Re: Draft player obfuscation

By Beercloud
7/02/2017 10:57 pm
Ya I wanna see how this plays out as well. Should be interesting.

****, that's what were here to do. Be the lab rats for the rest of MFN to see how things shake out. Should be Lab Rats-1 instead of MFN-1. :)

Last edited at 7/02/2017 10:58 pm