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Re: Version 0.4.3 Release Candidate Discussion

By setherick
6/07/2018 7:14 am
Does play overuse now affect ALL blitzes? I noticed that I got called for overuse of a blitz play in the Dime formation (which was the result of my rule build) and I also noticed a bunch of them in this game:

I mean I'm good with this, but is this an actual thing?

Re: Version 0.4.3 Release Candidate Discussion

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
6/07/2018 8:08 am
setherick wrote:
Does play overuse now affect ALL blitzes? I noticed that I got called for overuse of a blitz play in the Dime formation (which was the result of my rule build) and I also noticed a bunch of them in this game:

I mean I'm good with this, but is this an actual thing?

If you get a 'play overuse' message it means that the offense had a successful play and they saw that defensive play a lot. It doesn't necessarily mean that the success of the play was the result of any penalty; you might be seeing the call more, though, because independently of that there is new logic to allow the QB to not be rattled by a blitz that is a probability based on his experience - which, again, is tilted in the offense's favor if you have scouted the play or if the defensive play has been used a lot in the game, but is not dependent on that as it was before - so if the QB makes a successful play against a blitz because he got the dice roll to overcome the blitz and it happened to be on a play that he's seen you'll see the message. (Not sure if that clears it up or just makes it more confusing)

Re: Version 0.4.3 Release Candidate Discussion

By setherick
6/07/2018 8:57 am
Got it. Not an overuse penalty. A QB stood tall in the pocket bonus.

Re: Version 0.4.3 Release Candidate Discussion

By Ragnulf-le-maudit
6/07/2018 9:42 am
setherick wrote:
lellow2011 wrote:
Is anyone else noticing the complete lack of hurries, and few sacks? There just doesn't seem to be very much pressure.

Yes and no. There are definitely fewer sacks and hurries, but in both leagues, the numbers aren't too far off what the NFL was last year:

I think it feels like there are a lot fewer because there had been so many in the past. Also, interior blocking a lot better so DTs can't just dominate 100 PB OL now. Also, pass blocking updates have fixed one of the biggest exploits -- the LG runs across the field for no reason leaving the gap that the WLB can blitz through exploit, so LB sacks fell immediately overnight.

I also think sacks will come up as folks adjust to the fact that they just can't play fast DEs with no skill.

My leading sacker has 12 and 10 hurries. 63 sp, 90 PR. My best DE (rde) has 3, and 11 hurries, 83 so, 100 PR.

Re: Version 0.4.3 Release Candidate Discussion

By setherick
6/07/2018 12:39 pm
Ragnulf-le-maudit wrote:
setherick wrote:
lellow2011 wrote:
Is anyone else noticing the complete lack of hurries, and few sacks? There just doesn't seem to be very much pressure.

Yes and no. There are definitely fewer sacks and hurries, but in both leagues, the numbers aren't too far off what the NFL was last year:

I think it feels like there are a lot fewer because there had been so many in the past. Also, interior blocking a lot better so DTs can't just dominate 100 PB OL now. Also, pass blocking updates have fixed one of the biggest exploits -- the LG runs across the field for no reason leaving the gap that the WLB can blitz through exploit, so LB sacks fell immediately overnight.

I also think sacks will come up as folks adjust to the fact that they just can't play fast DEs with no skill.

My leading sacker has 12 and 10 hurries. 63 sp, 90 PR. My best DE (rde) has 3, and 11 hurries, 83 so, 100 PR.

Montoya is really weak for a DE, so he won't get the good "I pushed the OT back into the QB" hurry bump.

I would move "The Beef" over to the LDE spot and play your next best run stopper at RDE. Remember that in MFN, the importance of the LDE and the RDE are reversed. You want your RDE to be your run stopper and your LDE to be your pass rusher since most of the effective runs go to the weak side.

setherick wrote:
amalric7 wrote:
First off, let me say as a newcomer to this game many thanks for these. I found the player weights for my team to be far removed from these (they may have worked but the levels of support in here spoke volumes).

But I do have one query: LDE has Pass Rush as Primary (70) and Run Defence as Quaternary (15), while RDE has the opposite. Shouldn't these be reversed? The LDE plays over the RT and TE and is traditionally a run stuffer, whereas the RDE plays over the LT and is traditionally a pass rusher.

This could all still be true and I'm reading the ratings all wrong, but I just wanted to check. Maybe tradition goes out the window and the RDE needs to prioritise run defence here, seen stranger things in sims!

I have an explanation way back on the first post, but it's buried.

RDE Analysis: I did a lot of extensive scouting for awhile, and I've found that rough 90% of all runs go to the weak side of the line. This means that your RDE should be a run stopper more than a pass rusher. You can always sub one of your back up LDEs in for the RDE in passing situations.

What I should have added in that analysis was that these are "effective" runs. There are plays that go to the strong side, but I have found fewer of them to be effective and I have seen fewer owner run them.
Last edited at 6/07/2018 12:41 pm

Re: Version 0.4.3 Release Candidate Discussion

By raymattison21
6/07/2018 2:51 pm





Missed him


Three of these wide open drops by a 78 hands wr.

Last edited at 6/07/2018 2:51 pm

Re: Version 0.4.3 Release Candidate Discussion

By Ragnulf-le-maudit
6/07/2018 2:54 pm
I was thinking that way too. Problem is : leboeuf is my best run defender, and really defends the edge well. And Montoya rushes the QB well. There is probably some experiment to make. Not a really good depth, though, but time to think, as the beef is out for some more weeks.

Re: Version 0.4.3 Release Candidate Discussion

By raymattison21
6/08/2018 11:49 am
4 backs are top ten in receptions. Seems a little high in terms of creative ways to throw to generate numbers. This code seems to be the other way. Find creative ways not to throw to backs .

Re: Version 0.4.3 Release Candidate Discussion

By setherick
6/09/2018 6:08 am
So are we back to the point where M2M does nothing to slow down an opponent's WR? On this play, the DB that gets burned has 11 higher M2M than the WR has route. And the WR has 18 more SP than the DB does. But the WR runs right by him like he's standing still:

It's not a bad play, but I'm trying to figure out what the interaction is now since a lot of code has been moving around.

Also, why. can't. my. QB. complete. a. 5. yard. pass. to. an. open. WR.

Also why does my QB always roll to the wrong side of the play?

Oh FFS. This is what 0.4.3 is going to be for rookie QBs? I feel sorry for every new player that takes over a dumpster fire of a team.

Passing code is such a worthless joke right now. It's almost impossible to put together a short passing attack that completes 60-70% consistently and generates yards by volume. Because QBs struggle to complete short passes and RB passes are just awful. But the throw it medium/long every down is still as effective as it ever was - it just doesn't generate as many yards because of the WR must stop to catch every pass code.
Last edited at 6/09/2018 6:43 am

Re: Version 0.4.3 Release Candidate Discussion

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
6/09/2018 12:34 pm
Small tweak made to try to reduce those short pass problems. Continue to post a few plays if it still seems too high. I'm trying to bite into this a little bit at a time rather than make a large sweeping change just to try to drill into why those short passes are being so inaccurate.