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Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By TheAdmiral
9/29/2020 10:37 am
Infinity on Trial wrote:
TheAdmiral wrote:
You weren't the first ;0)

I see "despite the sacks" and "bunch of sacks," but nobody pointing out that this should be fixed.

Just generalising, a few of the owners in Victory had mentioned it. But yes, no-one here had specifically said too many sacks.

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By TheAdmiral
9/29/2020 11:22 am
Infinity on Trial wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
QBs are taking sacks when they should not be. Pressure is still low compared to the nfl. QBs just don’t know what to do when facing it. A trend with each code release.


Serious question, though: A comprehensive fix will take longer than any of us wants, so what's the path to getting this released soon? Hope for some middle-ground tweak where there is a reasonable amount of sacks but pressure is still broken?

IF the QB throws away more often, sacks go down, hurries go up. At some point, it will feel right - it's close - after all at the moment in 0.4.5 we have no pressure and no sacks, so it's moving the right way.

Everyone is excited by the QB scramble with visions of Kyler Murray and Lamar Jackson in their heads, but even a Ben Roethlisberger type can run for a first down if the open field is there.

For a QB to scramble (generally) the OL has to hold off the DL, the QB has to 'sell' a deep pass to force the secondary to back off then run into the vacated space left by blitzing LB's or LB's tracking players deep. Potential receivers should turn and go deep to draw the defenders when their assignment has been fulfilled. Eventually, one of the DL/LB will break through the OL and force the QB to make his decision (throw away, unload deep, force a pass into double/triple coverage, tuck'n'run, take the sack).

At the moment,

throw away is too low (perhaps, partially because owners don't want to see it)

unload deep doesn't happen at all - and should definitely happen more at the end of each half, if for no other reason than to force teams into defending the deep ball thus allowing space for shorter throws to the middle. I'm not sure how or even if the software adjusts to making throws on the run - ie does it treat all players the same or do some have the skills to be Mahomes or Russell Wilson types?

force a pass - if you have a QB who can fire in a pass with zip and put the ball into areas where 'usually' only the receiver can catch it or it's an incompletion. (back shoulder, low slider etc) these are generally higher tariff passes with a greater chance of incompletion

tuck'n'run - there has to be the space to run into, without that he shouldn't run even if he can scramble, ball carry, speed etc. The primary goal for the QB has to be to stay healthy so he shouldn't be running into traffic (running OB and into the open field and sliding are how he should run, to avoid taking hits)

take the sack - last resort, currently too high because some/all of the above are too low.

If your aim is to have your QB run multiple times in a game, in my opinion, the software is not ready for that (baby steps)

As an aside, it might be interesting (in future) to release updates into Roster Only Leagues first. This takes away the 'human element' to testing the software. As owners basically just set the depth chart, the game should run as jdb expects it too.

Yes, there is a long way to go in Roster Only too but the issues there are primarily around game-planning.


Beta test - MFN-1/Victory + any future BETA league
Release to Roster Only
Release to Standard Leagues

I think the game as it stands is ready to go into Roster Only Leagues as is

The Sacks v Hurries scenario needs tweaking a little and then let the rabid Wolves loose on it and see what they can break and where the loop-holes are.

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By Infinity on Trial
9/29/2020 12:02 pm
That's a long list. What do you think must be improved before releasing this code?

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By raymattison21
9/29/2020 12:03 pm

How about fixing this. The drag is completely ignored only cause my slots cant get to the end of their route. Great coverage right? No coverage is overpowered. One guy has 60 speed and is 253 pounds with sub 40 cover skills and the other is a DE with sub 20 cover skills! Locking down my wrs? All of it makes no sense. So, he takes a sack.

Later the really poor but fast QB faces a blitz (hot reads) the inner most deep receiver and it’s a 40 yard td. Playing these wide sets if there no blitz there is a really low chance of completions especially if you want to go to the outside to these wide open easy passes like these drags.

Get rid of the stutters and hand fighting. Or lower them so all the routes and timing are not destroyed.
Last edited at 9/29/2020 12:05 pm

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By TheAdmiral
9/29/2020 1:12 pm
Infinity on Trial wrote:
That's a long list. What do you think must be improved before releasing this code?

To be honest, it's just one thing. BUT, that one thing involves all of the above and more - and even then, people will find faults because it doesn't do what they want it too.

I'm happy enough to see it released as is, the game definitely needs the spark of a new update. The priority (for me) is solving the QB logic or QB clock if you prefer.

Following this release, I'm suggesting that any future changes are released in RO first as it will give a better idea as to if the game is playing out the way jdb wants/expects. Then release to the masses who will pick it apart and expose the 'flaws'

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By TheAdmiral
9/29/2020 2:43 pm
League of Legends is also at week 2 of pre-season.

88 sacks there v 356 in Victory

Stat - VFL - LOL
Completions/Attempts 17/29 - 23/39
Yards 333.88 - 440.56
Completion % 56.94% - 58.30%
Yards per attempt 5.30 - 5.76
Yards per comp 9.31 - 9.89
Sacks 356 - 88
Yards per sack 6.81 - 9.30 (*Given QB's are now scrambling the yps should be lower*)
Sacks/Yards average 5.16/35.16 - 1.40/12.98 (*What are we looking for here? approx. 2.5/20?*)
TD's 50 - 76
INT's 52 - 84
QB Rating average 64.40 - 72.54

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By Smirt211
9/29/2020 2:46 pm
Oh, I see. You're comparing it to v4.5.

I was wondering if I had missed that it flipped over to Game Engine v4.6.

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By Smirt211
9/29/2020 2:49 pm
50 Touchdowns, 32 games over 2 sim weeks of games.

I skimmed Preseason Game #2 scores in Victory. Those scores stink.

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By TheAdmiral
9/29/2020 3:06 pm
Smirt211 wrote:
Oh, I see. You're comparing it to v4.5.

I was wondering if I had missed that it flipped over to Game Engine v4.6.

Victory is using BETA (ie 4.6 if it was released now)
Legends is an older League but at the same gameweek stage as Victory - it runs 0.4.5

Going back to the opening post, the new version appears to have accomplished several of it's goals. For example yards per run for non-QB's is 3.98

Most of the goals for the passing game have also been accomplished - the standout oddity being too many sacks. This looks to be due to interceptions, completions and (counter intuitively) throw aways all look to be down.

My summary -

AI needs to be more aggressive with the deep ball calling - this will increase average yards per throw and interceptions and incompletions.

IF Defenses have to defend the deep ball, that should open up passing zones and lanes for short and medium passes/dumpoffs to secondary options. This would indrease the completion % thus correcting the loss of completion % from deep throw incompletions

Basically, #LetTheQBCook

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By Infinity on Trial
9/29/2020 4:29 pm
I really don't see the value of looking at how beta performs in roster-only leagues, considering the AI's unrealistic gameplans.