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Main - Beta Chat

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By TheAdmiral
9/29/2020 4:43 pm
Infinity on Trial wrote:
I really don't see the value of looking at how beta performs in roster-only leagues, considering the AI's unrealistic gameplans.

Because there's a market for it, it runs the same software. There's a huge discrepancy in the way it plays to the way standard Leagues do.

Which is closest to the way the game is intended to run. (Something only jdb can answer). Is there too little control in RO, too much control in standard? What makes the two versions run so differently? and why?

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By raymattison21
9/29/2020 6:18 pm
TheAdmiral wrote:
Infinity on Trial wrote:
I really don't see the value of looking at how beta performs in roster-only leagues, considering the AI's unrealistic gameplans.

Because there's a market for it, it runs the same software. There's a huge discrepancy in the way it plays to the way standard Leagues do.

Which is closest to the way the game is intended to run. (Something only jdb can answer). Is there too little control in RO, too much control in standard? What makes the two versions run so differently? and why?

The game supposed to handle anything. RO is just for the guys who don’t want to spend as much time. When zone was a bit more balanced in the old 4.6 the AI stood a better chance. RO uses the same or very similar misc options as well. To me Its very clear to why RO act the way it does. It’s just lengthy. But using zone and the misc options are two big reasons. Zone reads to the middle of the field by QBs are ok when you compare it to a man under and I can use the misc options with the game planning options to throw off or key into opposing schemes. None of the latter happens with AI logic. It just guesses half of the time. Making it easier to run and complete passes.

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By TheAdmiral
10/01/2020 7:43 am
raymattison21 wrote:
TheAdmiral wrote:
Infinity on Trial wrote:
I really don't see the value of looking at how beta performs in roster-only leagues, considering the AI's unrealistic gameplans.

Because there's a market for it, it runs the same software. There's a huge discrepancy in the way it plays to the way standard Leagues do.

Which is closest to the way the game is intended to run. (Something only jdb can answer). Is there too little control in RO, too much control in standard? What makes the two versions run so differently? and why?

The game supposed to handle anything. RO is just for the guys who don’t want to spend as much time. When zone was a bit more balanced in the old 4.6 the AI stood a better chance. RO uses the same or very similar misc options as well. To me Its very clear to why RO act the way it does. It’s just lengthy. But using zone and the misc options are two big reasons. Zone reads to the middle of the field by QBs are ok when you compare it to a man under and I can use the misc options with the game planning options to throw off or key into opposing schemes. None of the latter happens with AI logic. It just guesses half of the time. Making it easier to run and complete passes.

This may initially have been the reason, however more and more are switching to Roster Only as they are fed up of the same four or five owners dominating in a League, largely because they (a) understand the game better and/or (b) work all the loopholes. There are ways that could legitimately make it tougher for those players without effecting gameplay/gameplanning -

I'm thinking contract holdouts for stud players on successful teams based on volatility, being paid top money for the position based on ratings and on field performance. IF you have a top rated guy you picked up with a low contract he is going to want to get paid or he might hold out, create waves in the locker room and force people into either paying up, trading or cutting the player. Successful teams should have issues staying within the cap

RO is a 'less tainted' version of the game as it is harder to abuse the coding. There are still massive frustrations in RO primarily based around coaching and the similarity in all the gameplans. I rather suspect that jdb is an old school, run first, run second and then to heck with it, run on third as well.

I have pm'd my thoughts to jdb and posted in here on how to make coaches/coaching and scouting more relevant to the game. I've also suggested lifting gameplans (anonymously) from successful standard game teams and assigning them randomly to the coaches in roster only - to try to add variety to the coaches styles. Lets face it, thousands have now played the game, and I very much doubt I could spot one of my old or even current gameplans elsewhere.

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By Smirt211
10/01/2020 7:53 am
I spot my stuff all the time in the AI code and have to combat/go against it. This is all reading in totality as 'let me find infinite ways to knock CJ, HHH and Smirt down a peg, therefore, I can ascend to their placement and then I'll go silent and leave the Beta Chat threads.'


Last edited at 10/01/2020 7:54 am

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By TheAdmiral
10/01/2020 9:04 am
One team available in Victory, if anyone is interested?


Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By TheAdmiral
10/02/2020 2:38 pm

Perfect play description, nice touch jdb :o)

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By TarquinTheDark
10/03/2020 1:51 am
Lest anyone think I've gone silent ...

I think Smirt and Holly have always been fun to compete against with the current system. They may win a lot, but they are gracious and examples of how good winners act ... unless personally attacked.

I also think the current system provides the incentives that create the culture which is destroying the current system.
Last edited at 10/03/2020 1:55 am

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By raymattison21
10/03/2020 7:26 am
Like our current beta version. The dump offs have been a bit less. Now the “sack clock” which I think is a combo of man/bump/play abuse slowing outside receivers so much 75% of all long passes result in sacks.

I don’t think anyone no matter how successful or unsuccessful they are would think this is football like. Maybe one or two plays don’t get sacked with the right set of scenarios/ ratings but that can’t be right either.

You could lower the sack rate and get a generalized number but the fault in the code is tied to a particular area . By fixing that area , and using were we are at now as an example , the tweak needs to be the best with future codes in mind. Other wise it’s a nerf of sorts.

I take everything everyone’s posts seriously but one tiny tweak can change the entire play. As one result small as it may seem is like a snow ball effect after. Changing schemes and outcomes drastically by the end of the game.

Stats are great to see a potential anomaly to investigate more as to see why.

Top users are great to look at just cause they find the best way to win. No matter if it’s football related or not. And no matter how vocal they are in giving away their secrets.

Random/ casual players that like football have great feedback cause they are what will fund the game eventually .

Same as ex football players players/coaches that want to apply some of the stuff they learned IRL and want to try it in a virtual environment. As generally they will sometimes give obvious flaws or let’s call them other expectations as other games give you expectations of some what as a starting ground.

I want this game to blow all’s these players expectations out of the water. Someone will always disagree but changes are never meant to single out anyone’s style. Purposely Making them worse is not the goal as most of the best users are always the best and the worst are always the worst after adjustments are made.

Things lowering competition % and yyp is obvious at first. Like, Sacks on long plays but i would focus on coverage too.

I get that the further the pass is throw and the drop rate is logical but the physics involved should automatically lower completion rates there. Nothing additional should be needed. In general Coverage doesn’t have enough ground to recover from if they don’t lose that roll somewhere. And when they do lose the roll they are too far to recover in time.

With sacks so high and coverage so tight I don’t see many longnpassattempts anyway. There was just as many long pass attempts last game even though we threw zero long passes . Sacks just dropped dramatically and completed passes when up marginally.

Taking that long pass nerf out and messing with dump offs will push up comp% but the same holes will still be there.

So having man coverage stay with there man longer after that pass is thrown in hopes to lower off ball defenders from making plays in traffic will push comp% more inline with nfl schemes . And tweaks to zone to make it more viable will be needed too.

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By TheAdmiral
10/03/2020 7:51 am
TarquinTheDark wrote:
Lest anyone think I've gone silent ...

I think Smirt and Holly have always been fun to compete against with the current system. They may win a lot, but they are gracious and examples of how good winners act ... unless personally attacked.

I also think the current system provides the incentives that create the culture which is destroying the current system.

That's very cryptic.? Care to expand?

I think 0.4.5 has become stale as 0.4.6 has been on the back burner for too long. People need something fresh to captivate there interest, even if that is just to create the most efficient way to win.

I understand Ray wants the game to be as good as it can be, but that is always going to be a work in progress.

BETA as it stands is making substantial moves in the right direction and whilst it's not perfect it's a big upgrade on 0.4.5 in my opinion. Send it to the masses and see how it stands up whilst continuing to work on 0.4.7 and beyond.

Re: [0.4.6] Version 0d5f5ac

By raymattison21
10/03/2020 8:26 am
TheAdmiral wrote:
TarquinTheDark wrote:
Lest anyone think I've gone silent ...

I think Smirt and Holly have always been fun to compete against with the current system. They may win a lot, but they are gracious and examples of how good winners act ... unless personally attacked.

I also think the current system provides the incentives that create the culture which is destroying the current system.

That's very cryptic.? Care to expand?

I think 0.4.5 has become stale as 0.4.6 has been on the back burner for too long. People need something fresh to captivate there interest, even if that is just to create the most efficient way to win.

I understand Ray wants the game to be as good as it can be, but that is always going to be a work in progress.

BETA as it stands is making substantial moves in the right direction and whilst it's not perfect it's a big upgrade on 0.4.5 in my opinion. Send it to the masses and see how it stands up whilst continuing to work on 0.4.7 and beyond.

He’s always said since 4.3 that codes changes should be released in that manner. Smaller and more frequently...... If 4.5 was only a year in general release it I don’t think guys would have been using the punt block as much. Seth was gone for a year and that 46 heavy defense was getting sacks but I am not sure who figured it out before him.

Still real life gets in the way of everyone and things sit on the back burners till the time is right. When codes are stable enough leagues can take them on early but this is too soon. I would be ok for either.... tweaking 4.6 more or releasing it .

It’s the tweaks to drafts years ago. A lot time was spent and it was scrapped. The need is not gone but users wouldn’t like such an adjustment.

Like your suggestions to make it harder to hold on to good guys for cheap. It needs a closer look but jdb has stood his stance on injuries and cap management. Both have been made harder to do but it’s still easy compared to the nfl. And what it does is make it easier to stack talent in the long run. Really making the code sensitive to stat anomaly’s. But it’s got to handle all this in some reasonable fashion.

Leaving passing this hard will not get good feed back cause a lot plays don’t work. One more season and some major kinks will be worked out. I would feel better then . .... still it’s a long process either way. It’s always has been and I am in no rush. But change is evident and is coming.