mardn72 wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
Jerome Durham (QB) 175att 82comp 46.9% 1,958yard 3/23 sacks / yd 23td 3int 120.19rating
My only concern is my qbs stat line in the past two games...especially the fact it was done with only three offensive plays
Three games worth of stats with only three plays
Jerome Durham (QB) 233att 109comp 46.8% 2,886yrd 3/23 sck/yrd 31tds 7int 119.74 rating
Shouldn’t play overuse be kicking in and shutting this down??
This is a two part question:
1) Shouldn't play overuse be kickin in? Yes, play overuse will kick in after the third or so time and provide a bonus against that play, but...
2) Shouldn't play overuse be ... shutting this down? No, absolutely not. That's not how it works. Play overuse penalties only apply to technical skills, which means that play overuse disproportionately improves teams that already have superior athletic (read Speed) attributes over and against the advantages that team already has over another. Basically, athletic teams get that much better against non-athletic teams that overuse plays while non-athletic teams see no benefit because athletic attributes determine 90% of players interaction except for QB accuracy and Pass Blocking.